what to expect in Godly Play

what to expect in Godly Play

Children gather each Sunday at both 9:30 am and 11:00 am in two Godly Play sanctuaries:

  1. Preschool – 1st Grades
  2. 2nd – 6th Grades

Children will join their families in the sanctuary for the first 10-15 minutes of worship. Following the gathering music and prayer, two teachers will escort all of the children to their Godly Play sanctuaries.

Threshold: Each child will be greeted by a Door Keeper and welcomed into the sacred space of Godly Play after leaving the Sanctuary.

Building the Circle: The Storyteller will invite each child to be seated on the floor in a circle as everyone gets ready to enter the morning’s story.

Story: The Storyteller will then present the morning’s story. Stories include Sacred stories from the Hebrew Bible, Liturgical stories about the church, and Parable stories from the life and teachings of Jesus.

Wondering: Each story invites children to wonder about its meaning and significance.

Responding: Following the story and wondering, children will then choose their own work. Work may include materials from the art shelves or any of the stories in the room.

Feast: Children will put their own work away and then prepare & share a feast of bread and juice together.

Leaving: Children will say good-bye and then cross the threshold to meet their parents and guardians outside the door. Parents and guardians should plan to pick-up their children at the door to the Godly Play sanctuary following worship.

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