what to expect sunday am

what to expect sunday am

9:30am + 11am (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819) In-person Sunday worship
9:30am (Pacific Time) Online Sunday Worship (thetable.live).

Worship Gatherings

Our eclectic blend of music ranges from jazz to reggae to Spirituals to traditional hymns to Latin and beyond. Dress casual. Bring anybody you’d like. And, above all things, be yourself! All are welcome. All Means All.


We have bike racks in front of the church for anyone who lives nearby. Parking is accessible from H Street and 53rd Streets. If the lot is full, parking on Sundays on the streets around the church is usually plentiful. Our Hospitality Team arrives early on Sunday mornings to brew coffee and prep hot water for tea & hot chocolate. You’re welcome to bring coffee, tea and drinks into the Sanctuary.

Music & Call to Worship

Music is a beautiful and powerful means of expression. We regularly use music (and other expressions and forms of art) to express ourselves to God, just as the Psalms do: we praise, we ask for what we need, we confess, we complain, we lament. We give thanks to God as we express our vulnerability and our longings.

Welcome & Next Steps

We set aside time in our gathering to help identify next steps we might take in order to grow in faith and reach in love.

Scripture & Message

Every week we hear, learn and tell the story of God & God’s people. We read from the Bible and share from our lives.

Communion, Prayer, & Offering 

Communion is a sacrament practiced most weeks in worship. Everyone present will be invited to The Table. While no one is required to receive communion, all are welcome to The Table. Here are some of the precautionary measures we’re planning to take amid lingering pandemic: (1) Instead of serving communion in the Sanctuary, we’ll have various communion stations setup outside, (2) When moving outside to receive communion, please do your best to keep physical distance, (3) Once you arrive to the communion station, please utilize the hand sanitizer and then take a piece of the bread (or a gluten free cracker) and dip it into the cup which will be filled with grape juice. A server will be nearby to assist should it be needed and they will say “The Body of Christ/Bread of New Life and the cup of the New Covenant/God’s love poured out for you” as you dip the bread into the juice and eat it.

Note: We offer gluten-free and dairy-free bread options at all communion stations.

We pray in many ways at The Table; through song & silence & spoken words. We often invite people to light candles in the prayer stations near our stained glass windows.

We hope you will join us in responding to God’s fierce love for the world and help align our community of faith with God’s redeeming work by making a financial gift to support ministry at The Table. You may give online via our website from your phone or place your gifts in the offering plates which will be found near the doors to the sanctuary.

Sending Forth

At the conclusion of our gathering, we both receive a spoken benediction and sing together a benediction. “Benediction” s Latin and means “good word.” It is a final blessing and prayer sung over our community as we head into the week ahead.

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