Way of Love

Way of Love

God Loves

Matt’s message is rooted in John 17.20-26 & As It Is In Heaven, a 2004 Swedish film nominated for an Academy Award. Jesus prays for all to be one in his farewell prayer around a table with the disciples. As It Is In Heaven beautifully witnesses to this truth and The Table longs to be a community which fosters deeper awareness of our oneness in God’s love. How might you join in Restoration at The Table in hopes of passing…

Love God

Linda’s message, Love God, is rooted in John 14.23-29. Norman Wirzba writes, “Christian faith is an existential commitment or personal promises to perceive and live life in the kinds of ways that Jesus inspires and makes possible” (Way of Love, 36). What spiritual disciples are keeping you in love with God? What disciplines might you be called to take on? What disciplines might be worthy of re-considering?

Love One Another

This worship series hold’s Norman Wirzba’s Way of Love alongside the gospel readings for the global church as we wonder together about the transforming power and possibilities of love. Linda’s message, Love One Another, is rooted in John 13:31-35.

No Love Dying

Linda’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 5.17. We must find our christian identity in love and turn our fear into hope. God’s love will transform the world into a place where there is justice and equality in which we call Heaven on Earth.

Curriculum for Christianity as a School for Love

Matt’s message invites reflection on the movement of love within Christianity.  Christianity teaches that we are created in love, we are born into a fallen world, and we are redeemed by God’s love. This is the curriculum for our school of love. How might this curriculum shape our daily lives?

Christianity as a School for Love

Matt’s message invites reflection on Christianity as a school for love. The message is rooted in Psalm 86.11 and the Trappist monks of Tibhirine whose lives are depicted in Of Gods & Men.  The abundance of God’s love compelled these men to be in deep ministry with their Muslim neighbors. How might God’s abundant love compel us to be in ministry with our black and brown neighbors today?
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