"Brene Brown" Tagged Sermons

"Brene Brown" Tagged Sermons

High Lonesome

Worship online with The Table 9:30am Sunday (October 4) shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve and find bread for the journey with The Table. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

This Is Us (Peter)

Linda’s message is rooted in John 21.1-20. Peter denies Jesus three times in John by saying, “I AM not.” While Peter denies his own identity three times, the Risen One recognizes Peter for who he is and claims him for a life of discipleship. How might we claim our identities as faithful disciples of the Risen One?


No one likes intervention. Intervention is uncomfortable and fraught with fear. Like getting rapped on the knuckles, intervention stings. Matt’s message holds an ancient story of Jesus’ intervening love (Mark 8.31-38) in conversation with  Amy Winehouse’s song Rehab and  Brené Brown important work on guilt & shame.  How might we open to God’s intervening love as we journey through the wilderness of Lent toward rehabilitating our spiritual lives?

Time’s Up

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 1.29-39 and invites reflection on moving beyond shame. How might Jesus be raising us up from shame? Here is a link to the statement by Bishop Bruce Ough on behalf of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church.

Brave & Brokenhearted

Linda’s message invites reflection on John 17.1-17 and Brené Brown’s Rising Strong. Jesus prayed for his followers to experience eternal life through an ever deepening relationship with God. How might the prayer of Jesus become our story? What will it look like to practice of Rising Strong in your work, your home, and your communities?

The Rumbling Continued…

Matt’s message is rooted in John 14. 15-21. Jesus promises the disciples that God will not leave them orphaned. God is sending the Holy Spirit as another paraclete, or helper, to accompany them. How might this promise guide us in rumbling with the stories of our lives as we Rise Strong in and through God’s love?

The Reckoning

Matt’s message is rooted in John 10.1-10 and Brené Brown’s Rising Strong. Brené Brown writes, “One of the truisms of wholehearted living is you either walk into your story and own your truth, or you live outside of your story, hustling for your worthiness” (Rising Strong). “[Jesus] came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10.10). What emotional reckoning might be the gate in your life that leads to abundant life?

The Arena

Linda’s message is rooted in John 20.19-31 and introduces our Easter journey into Rising Strong. This worship series holds the lectionary readings for the season of Easter in conversation with Rising Strong by Brené Brown.
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