Sermons from April 2012

Sermons from April 2012


This worship series is rooted in Acts 4.32.-35. For the early church depicted in the book of Acts, the resurrection of Christ is less a creedal article of individual faith and hope than a creative force of community formation. How are we, as people of the resurrection, called to relate to our finances on this side of Easter?  John Wesley writes, “Having, first, gained all you can, and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can.”  How will…


This worship series is rooted in Acts 4.32.-35. For the early church depicted in the book of Acts, the resurrection of Christ is less a creedal article of individual faith and hope than a creative force of community formation. How are we, as people of the resurrection, called to relate to our finances on this side of Easter? John Wesley writes, “Having, first, gained all you can, and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can.” How will…


This worship series is rooted in Acts 4.32.-35. For the early church depicted in the book of Acts, the resurrection of Christ is less a creedal article of individual faith and hope than a creative force of community formation. How are we, as people of the resurrection, called to relate to our finances on this side of Easter?  John Wesley writes, “Having, first, gained all you can, and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can.”  How will…


Matt’s Easter message is rooted in Mark 16.1-8.  The recording includes selections from two of the songs from our 10:30 am worship gathering.  The opening song is Christ Is Risen by Brian Wren (arranged by Anthony Coleman II).  The closing song is Rise Up with lyrics by Agape (David Scherer)


Matt’s message is rooted in the history of The Table at Central UMC and Psalm 118. As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into passion.
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