Sermons from September 2013

Sermons from September 2013

The Hope of Heaven

Matt’s message reflects on the hope of heaven and is rooted in Romans 15.13. This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

The Reality of Heaven

Linda’s message explores the grittiness of heaven’s reality.  What does it mean to say heaven is real from the perspective of the Gospel?  How have we encountered the reality of Heaven in our own lives?   Luke 24.1-8  frames the message.  This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Theologies of Heaven

We experienced technical difficulties with our recording of worship.  This podcast is a recording of the message a few days later.  Matt’s message explores ways in which heaven has been talked about by theologians and invites reflection on how we might talk about heaven today. This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Hearing of Heaven Today

Matt’s message explores ways in which heaven was imagined in biblical times and in our contemporary world.  Matt holds these images in tension and invites reflection on how we might imagine heaven in our lives today. Isaiah 60.1-9 frames the message.  This worship series is based on Christopher Morse’s The Difference Heaven Makes.

Labors of Love

We had technical difficulties with our recording of worship.  The following message was recorded after worship in the quiet of an empty sanctuary.  Linda’s message is rooted in Hebrews 13 and invites reflection on Labor Day and reaching in love.
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