Sermons from March 2015

Sermons from March 2015

Sharing in Suffering

Linda’s message is rooted in Psalm 31.9-16.  How do we, like the ancient Psalmist, find hope in God amidst the suffering we experience in our daily lives?

Preparing Our Endings

Matt’s message is rooted in John 12.20-36.  How might we look toward the end of our own lives and make decisions that will shape our dying in love?

Did Jesus Die for Your Sins?

Matt’s message is rooted in John 3.14-21.  Did Jesus die for your sins? How do you understand the death of Jesus?  Matt’s message draws on the writings of Carl Gregg’s “John 3.16 – The Rest of the Story” and Gregory Anderson Love’s Love, Violence, and the Cross: How the Nonviolent God Saves Us through the Cross of Christ.

The Task of Grief

Linda’s message is rooted in John 11.28-36. Grief is part of God’s story. Grief is part of Jesus’ story. Grief is part of our Christian story. Linda’s message invites reflection on how we might relate to grief as we practice our faith today. Click Details to download supporting materials.

Losing Our Lives

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 8.31-38. What might it look like for us to lose our lives for the sake of the Gospel?
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