

9:30am online at THETABLE.LIVE

9:30am & 11am in person at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819)


 “I dare each of us to imagine curating the shape of our own flourishing. We all are very unique in our way. God delights in this one and only version of ourselves. So, as we embark on this, bear in mind that our God is the God of infinite possibilities and our life’s trajectory is within the purview of the One who makes impossible possible. Hence, let us allow ourselves to flourish in the most authentic expression of the image of God in each of us, to have that kind of vision that befits who we are and what we are meant to be. I believe that God’s love for the beloved anticipates a future that is full of possibilities to become the sort of person we are created to be. Discovering what that looks like in the concreteness of our lives now and into the future is the adventure in which we are called to participate. So, dare to dream and dare big!” – Dr. Rolf Nolasco in God’s Beloved Queer: Identity, Spirituality, and Practice

Flourishing: God’s Vision for Creation. Each week we will hold readings from scripture alongside ways in which God’s vision for creation is flourishing within us and also all around us.


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