Sermons from January 2014

Sermons from January 2014


Matt’s message invites reflection on immigration & is rooted in 1 Corinthians 1.10-18 & Ched Myers’ Our God Is Undocumented.


We continue our worship series on the most controversial social issues of our day with a reflection on race.  Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 5.38-48 & the United Methodist Social Principles.

No partiality. Really?

Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 10 and the conversion & faith of Peter. How will we be transformed to see God’s boundary crossing love that shows no partiality? How will we come to the table to weave our hearts with others as we break bread? How will these tranformations shape the ways we practice our faith in the world?


We had technical difficulties with this recording.  Apologies for the quality of the sound, but we’re hopeful we’ll have the issue fixed for next Sunday. Thanks for your patience. Linda’s message is rooted in the story of the magi in Matthew 2.1-12 & Leonardo DaVinci’s Adoration of the Magi.  What are our hopes for 2014? What unfinished parts of ourselves might God invite us to celebrate? What unfinished parts of ourselves might need attention in the coming year?
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