Posts from November 2010 (Page 3)


Frederick Buechner writes, An agnostic is somebody who doesn’t know for sure whether there really is a God.  That is some people all of the time and all people some of the time. There are some agnostics who don’t know simply because they’ve never taken pains to try to find out – like the bear who didn’t know what was on the other side of the mountain. There are other agnostics who have taken many pains.  They have climbed over…


Rev. William Sloane Coffin writes, The only security in life lies in embracing its insecurity.  And faith in Jesus Christ, far from diminishing the risks, inspires the courage to take them on–all of them, including the risk of intellectual uncertainty (Credo, pg 144). What insecurities and risks might your faith be calling you to take on this week?
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