Toward Sunday

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen.  And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”  And immediately they left their nets and followed him.

-Mark 1.16-18

The Gospel story, as recorded in the book of Mark lists this event as the first incident in Jesus’ public ministry.  This passage introduces the reader to the Disciples.  After Jesus himself, the Disciples are what Leonard Sweet calls the “first followers”.  Our new series will focus on following Jesus in the midst of the culture which values Leadership as the key to success.

Read the passage here.  “Jesus himself offers the best example of what he calls these disciples to do.  He acts here as the fisherman, and the four men by the sea are the fish.  Jesus casts his word; they are caught up into the Kingdom of God.  Jesus calls them in turn to become fishermen at this deeper level.  After his death and resurrection they will spread the good news about Jesus and others will be caught up into the Kingdom of God.”  (from Interpretation Bible Commentary, Mark, by Lamar Williamson, Jr.)

How are you called to Follow Jesus?  Who called you first?  What was the setting in which you first recall hearing the story of Jesus?  What was that like for you?  When you share the story of Jesus, are you following Jesus?  Are you leading others to hear the story?



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