When we consider who Jesus is, what sort of king do we desire? Do we yearn for a king who is the king of outcasts, the poor and the oppressed? Do you want to follow a king who has as his mandate to bring down the powerful and raise up the oppressed. It is one thing to “say it” is another to understand the transformation this would require for our own lives and the life of our community.
This week we will welcome AGAPE, Dave Scherer to our worship. We will root our worship in Luke’s account of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem and in the music of AGAPE. AGAPE has written a new piece for our time together and below is one verse. Read this and take time to consider and share your response to the question: “who do you say Jesus is?”
Who Do you say..I am?
Is he the Savior, One with the Creator?
Or a judge here to legislate behavior.
Is he just an example? A light? Or the candle?
The Christ of Elijah’s mantle?
Was he a Leftist? Was he sexist?
Was he supposed to cook crucifixion for his breakfast?
Did he have a death wish?
In other words did he entered the world…just so he could exit?
Did he come to feed the poor? Did he come to bring the sword?
Did he come so nobody would have to suffer anymore?
Is he Lord? Is he King? Is he Prophet?
Is he Myth? Is he Man? Bump the doctrine
Tell me who you say he is, huh
Tell me who you say he is.
True, you’re made in the image of the maker
But your image of the maker makes you.
Who Do you say..I am?