How Deep?



Tomorrow morning we gather to make our Deep Commitments to God and one another for the coming year.  We make, remember and renew these each year.  By completing the Deep Card and setting goals for ourselves in each of the areas, we renew our commitment to God and one another to go deeper in our faith and life together.

How do you hope to root your life in Grace in the coming year? Consider setting a specific goal, or set of goals, regarding weekly worship attendance and daily prayer.  How do you plan to grow in faith? Consider setting goals regarding Kitchen Table participation, searching Scripture, and witnessing to God’s love in the world.  How will you reach in love? Consider setting specific goals for watching over others in love, serving in our church and beyond.  You might complete an area of the commitment card in the following way: As a person who seeks to be rooted in Grace, I want to (GOAL) so that (REASON).

We write these down to help us clarify our hopes for faithful living, for deepening our faith.  When we live into our hopes for faithful living our faith will be increased, not as a personal achievement, but as a gift of God.

How Deep will you go this year?


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