
“Worship is the ongoing practice of faith, and not only the practice but the actual experience of it. Whether it takes place around a kitchen table or the carved marble altar of a great cathedral, worship is how the people of God practice their reliance on their Lord. Through liturgies of word and table… we do what we were created to do. We pray, we listen to God’s word, we confess, we make peace, we lift up our hearts, we hold out our hands, we are fed, we give thanks, we go forth. We practice the patterns of our life together before God, rehearsing them until they become second nature to us. Through [liturgies of Word and Eucharist] we expand our images of what it means to be human and what it means to be divine, so that we are better able to live into the fullness of our heritage as sons and daughters of God.”
(Barbara Brown Taylor from The Preaching Life and her chapter on Worship p. 68)

In what way do you experience worship as a rehearsal for your life?

What, if anything, from worship has become second-nature for you?

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