You are accepted

Sometimes the most faithful testimony doesn’t sound very religious.  Sometimes a teacher’s whisper of encouragement, a word of greeting spoken over the screen of your laptop, a cup of tea delivered without request and an accompanying “this is for you my friend”…communicates that, as Paul Tillich wrote  “you are accepted, accepted by that which is greater than you, and the name of which you do not know.”  Whenever we use our words to join in the activity of God in the world – to form community, to heal, to forgive, to set things right – we are bearing faithful witness to God.
(from the book Testimony, Talking Ourselves into Being Christian p 86 by Thomas Long  w/ changes by ldh)

How will you testify to what you know about God today?  What words will you choose this morning?  To whom will you deliver your message of love and acceptance?

Talk to God.
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