Toward Sunday

Advent is the time in which the church waits for the mystery of Christmas to be born. This Advent we hope to wait together in the wonder and mystery of the dark even as we seek the light of God’s coming into our world.

Outline of Worship Series.

November 30,  2014  Mark 13.24-37
December 7, 2014  Mark 1.1-8
December 14, 2014  John 1,6-8, 19-28
December 21, 2014  Luke 1.26-38

We turn this week from Mark 13 to the very first chapter of Mark.  Mark’s Gospel begins, ”The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1 NRSV).  What does the phrase “good news” elicit for you?  What images or stories or memories or feelings does this phrase bring up in you?

Read Mark 1.1-8. and reflect upon this question from Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber:  So…is it actually possible amidst our abject familiarity with the Christmas story to again hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ Son of God as Good and as News and as that which only just Began with the birth of Jesus and is yet to end?

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