Toward Sunday

We turn this week from John the baptizer in Mark’s Gospel to John the baptizer in John’s Gospel. In this telling of the story of John the baptizer, we’re reminded that John is not the light, but came to testify to the light.  John is a witness.

Outline of Worship Series.

November 30,  2014  Mark 13.24-37
December 7, 2014  Mark 1.1-8
December 14, 2014  John 1,6-8, 19-28
December 21, 2014  Luke 1.26-38


Begin by reading John 1.6-8.  Wonder about how you might be a witness to God’s love as you move toward Christmas.  Think back over your first two weeks of Advent, when and how have you offered testimony about God’s love being born?  If you have not offered testimony, were you presented with any opportunities to do so in which you chose to remain silent?

Now  John 1.19-28. Notice how John offers his own testimony. He does so by sharing what he is NOT.  Then, he draws upon the words of Isaiah to share what he IS: the voice of one crying out in the wilderness.  Finally, he takes a place of great humility.

Where in our world today do you hear the voice of one crying out in the wilderness?

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