Toward Sunday

We continue our three-week worship series this week on Prayer based on two books: Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott and Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard J. Foster. This series comes from the desires expressed in so many of our Deep Commitments last fall. While we may not answer all the questions raised by our Deep Commitments regarding prayer, we do hope to focus on 3 areas: the history of prayer, praying in community, and the personal practice of prayer.

Outline of Prayer

June 21 Prayer through history based on Mark 4.35-41  Jesus stills the waters. Help!
June 28 Prayer in our community based on Psalm 30 – Singing praises to God. Thanks
July 5  Prayer in our life based on  Matthew 6.9-15 – The Lord’s prayer. Wow

This week we turn to Psalm 30, a song of praise and thanksgiving, as we focus on saying thanks to God for our community of faith.  Read Psalm 30 to yourself or out loud with a family member or friend.  What are you thankful for today?  How might sharing your gratitude to God with others shape your week?  Try it!

Toward Sunday
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