Toward Sunday

We continue with our five-week worship series this week on topics we’re not supposed to put on The Table. This week we put $.77 on The Table. Each week we’ve been inviting reflection on how our faith might shape the ways we approach some of the controversial issues of our day. We hope to create a safe, if at times challenging and even at times uncomfortable, space to reflect on faithful Christian responses to each of these topics. We recognize the eclectic and beautiful diversity of our church community. We trust we won’t all have the same opinions on these difficult issues. Still, we believe the way and the life of Jesus calls us to address each of these topics through the lens of Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience.  We are grateful to be part of this beautiful community.

Outline for On The Table
January 10: Guns (Micah 4.1-4)
January 17: Fear (Romans 12.18-21)
January 24: Privilege (Mark 3.1-6)
January 31:  $.77 (2 Corinthians 8.13-15)
February 7: Jesus Christ (Luke 5.1-11)

Take time today to reflect on how your gender identity has shaped your employment and compensation. How, if at all, has your gender been an advantage? How, if at all, has your gender been a disadvantage?

Read 2 Corinthians 8.13-15.

This week reflect on your experience with fair balance in terms of having too much or having too little.  Remember times in which you had too little and relied upon the generosity of others.  Similarly, remember a time in which you experienced an abundance and were able to share with others who had less.

We have noticed in our Kitchen Tables, and in our wider community, a tendency among our people to retract from talking about finances. Often, folks move quickly from reflecting on finances to reflecting on other things (i.e. reflecting on an abundance or lack of time).  Please encourage your Kitchen Table, as difficult as it might feel, to try to respond to these questions by reflecting on finances in particular.

This week pray for deeper understandings of differences and stronger commitments to justice.

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