Toward Sunday

We’ll continue our six-week worship series, Tasting Resurrection, this week by reflecting on lessons from the Gospel of John and a Netflix series called Chef’s Table. Each week focuses on a story from John and a chef featured in the first season of Chef’s Table. This week we turn to John 21.1-19 and Dan Barber.

Outline for Tasting Resurrection
• April 3: John 20.19-31 & Massimo Bottura
•April 10: John 21.1-19 & Dan Barber
•April 17: John 10.22-30 & Francis Mallmann
•April 24: John 13.31-35 & Niki Nakayama
•May 1: John 14.23-29 & Ben Shewry
•May 8: John 17.20-26 & Magnus Nilsson

Dan Barber is the chef at New York’s Blue Hill restaurant. Barber’s philosophy of food focuses on pleasure and thoughtful conservation – on knowing where the food on your plate comes from and the unseen forces that drive what we eat.

Reflect on your food choices. How do you make decisions on where to buy your food? What food choices are you most intentional about? What food choices are you least intentional about?

Read John 21.1-19.
The Risen One comes to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, teaches them to fish by changing the way they are casting their nets, and then invites them to bring their fish to breakfast. The New Interpreter’s Bible states: “The life to which Jesus summons Peter, and that, indeed, Peter lived requires of him an act of love that matches Jesus’ act: the gift of his life. Peter models for the faith community the ultimate fidelity to Jesus’ words, because he fulfills Jesus’ core commandment, that his disciples love one another as he has loved them” (864).

Each fall we invite our community of faith to make Deep Commitments. Look back over the Deep Commitment Cards we returned earlier this year.

How is it going with your Deep Commitment to reach in love?  How are you reaching in love these days?  What concrete ways might the Risen One be calling you to reach in love over the next week?
Fill out our form!