Toward Sunday

We’ll continue our worship series this week called Flour. Salt. Yeast. Water: Beautiful, simple, & inspiring ingredients for making Deep Commitments at The Table.

This four-week worship series will invite us to reflect on the simple ingredients that shape our community of faith.  We’ll conclude this worship series on October 23 with a celebration of Baptism and the sharing of our Deep Commitments. Here is a link to the online Deep Commitment Card. Encourage your Kitchen Table to submit their Deep Commitments online or share them in worship by placing them in an offering plate between now and October 23.

OUTLINE: flour. salt. yeast. water.

Beautiful, simple, & inspiring ingredients for making Deep Commitments at The Table.


October 2:  Ingredients & Recipes
Method in Methodism. Rooted in Grace. Growing in Faith. Reaching in love.  Giving Generously.  

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1.1-14


October 9:  Kneading & Letting Rise
Kitchen Tables and Watching Over One Another in Love.  

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2.8-15


October 16:  Tossing & Stretching.
How are we called to stretch ourselves? How will we stretch to reach in love?    

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3.10-4.5


October 23:  Welcome (Again) to God’s Abundant Feast
Baptism & Deep Commitments

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1.1-2

Matt shared a poem called “Autumn” by Gunilla Norris to begin our worship series on Sunday. The poem includes these stanzas which seem to describe an aspect of what happens in our Kitchen Tables:

Here is the terror of Autumn. 
And the beauty! What is ripe is
sacrificed. Torn loose. The grain
is wrested from the plant, from everything

familiar. We must expect this to happen


to ourselves. I want to know this in you…
that you have been on the threshing floor. 
I need you to see that I have been 
between the grinding stones. It will make us 

careful of each other, of all grain.


Reflect on these stanzas and on how they are doing with their intentions for growing in faith in your Kitchen Table.

Read 2 Timothy 2.8-15.


2 Timothy 2.11b states: If we have died with him, we will also live with him.

What parts of your life are dying with Jesus right now? What parts of you are rising with Christ?  What parts of you are being kneaded right now?
Fill out our form!