Church language about Grace inevitably comes around to a discussion of salvation. The word alone may be responsible for the damage and rejection people feel as they attempt to navigate their lives in a religious direction.
Frederick Buechner writes about salvation likes this:
“It is an experience first and a doctrine second. Doing the work you’re best at doing and like to do best, hearing great music, having great fun, seeing something very beautiful, weeping at somebody else’s tragedy – all these experiences are related to the experience of salvation because in all of them 2 things happen: (1) you lose yourself, and (2) you find that you are more fully yourself than usual.” (from Wishful Thinking, p 102-103) At The Table some of us lose ourselves in knitting only to find that we learn more, know more, feel more, love more in the process.
What experiences cause you to both lose yourself and find that you are more fully yourself than usual?