3-5pm Thursday, May 16
Legislative Training for Progressive People of Faith
Attend a training to learn more about, and engage in, the legislative process in Sacramento.
Why: We have learned that, on a number of issues, the only religious voice that is speaking up in the legislative process comes from the religious right. We seek to provide a progressive religious voice to support our legislature as they do their work for this season.
How: becca Cramer-Mowder will give concrete ways to witness to our faith in a political setting. We will hear from her and then have time to practice ourselves so that we are ready to take a next step and go public with our testimony on issues of reproductive rights, immigration, social justice, the environment and climate change, as well as LGBTQIA issues.
Where: In the Sanctuary of The Table at Central UMC (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819)
When: 3:00-5:00pm on Thursday May 16
Please join us and consider visiting state legislators the next week as they prepare to vote on important pieces of legislation.
RSVP to Cathy Bent-McDonald (cathybent (at) comcast.net) if you plan to attend.