5pm & 11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve
5pm + 11pm at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819)
5pm + 11pm online at thetable.live + also on The Table’s Church Center App
Love Knows Your Name
- Welcome + Call to Worship
- O Come, All Ye Faithful
- Lighting of the Christ Candle
- Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
- Isaiah 9:6
- Joy to th World
- Luke 2:1-20
- Take Me to the Alley
- Message: Love Knows Your Name
- Christmas Offering
- Silent Night
- Debbie Edgar, Director of Operations
- Sarnit Prasad, Sunday Coordinator
- Bailey Sagar, Sound Engineer
- Finn Uber, Sound Technician
- John Buggy-Agresti, Visuals & Livestream Technician
- Cesca Wolos-Fonteno, Online Worship Curator
Music Team
- Brenden Lowe, Music Director & Piano
- Natalie Hagwood, Vocals & Cello
- Hannah Jane Kile, Vocals & Guitar
- Tim Metz, Drums
- Tyler Miles, Bass
- Omari Tau, Vocals
- Denise Brick & Bob Martinez, 5pm
- Melissa Jacobs & Justine Wright, 11pm
Worship Art
- Erik Castellanos, Artist in Residence
- Karen Morrison
- Colleen Cascio
- Jan Martinez
- Corey Strange
- Linda Dew-Hiersoux, Co-Pastor
- Matt Smith, Co-Pastor
Christmas Offering
Our Christmas Offering this year will be divided equally to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s Disaster Response Efforts and to support our local refugee resettlement agency in Sacramento called Opening Doors. Make a gift to support these vital ministries here.
With the weather getting colder and rainy, our neighbors experiencing homelessness are specifically at-risk. Two local programs who work with youth experiencing homelessness, Lutheran Social Services of Northern California and The Creation District, have requested donations of new or very gently used clothing, and blankets to stay warm and healthy. We will have bins in the sanctuary throughout Advent and Christmas. Please bring the following items for our neighbors experiencing homelessness:
- Gently used or new jackets, coats, sweaters, gloves, hats, shoes (all sizes, child and adult)
- Blankets
- Rain ponchos
- Sleeping bags
- Tents
- Batteries (AA or AAA)
- Wipes (baby and body)
- Hygiene supplies: deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner
- Shelf stable snacks: granola bars, crackers, etc

This worship series is based on Words from the Beginning by A Sanctified Art.