Celebration of God’s faithfulness
in the life of Rev. Linda Dew-Hiersoux
Linda Susan Dew-Hiersoux
(January 10, 1961 – February 16, 2025)
Saturday, March 8, 10am at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819) + online at thetable.live + also on The Table’s Church Center App
- O Day of Peace
- Welcome & Opening Prayer (Rev. Mike Harrell)
- Reach Out
- Poem: Ode to a Lullaby by Isaac Glenn Dew-Hiersoux (Cesca Wolos-Fonteno)
- Wildflowers
- Reflections on the Life of Linda Dew-Hiersoux
- Hilary (Holly) Beban + Dawn James
- Rachael Dew-Hiersoux
- Grady Knowles
- Rev. Ginnie Pearson
- Brenden Lowe + Co-Pastor Matt Smith
- Mark Dew-Hiersoux
- I Believe
- Luke 24.1-5 + Luke 1.46-55 (Debbie Edgar + Sandra Lommasson)
- Message (Rev. Debbie Weatherspoon)
- Sacrament of Communion (Bishop Sandy Olewine, Sarnit Prasad, & Kara Tupy)
- Look Well
- Prayer, Commendation & Sending Forth (Rev. Kathy LaPoint-Collup)
Pastor Linda co-founded The Table and her fierce love & passionate spirit are the heart of The Table’s ministries! She has forever shaped & inspired our community. In lieu of flowers, the family invites you to consider making a donation in memory of Rev. Linda Dew-Hiersoux to support Music Ministries at The Table UMC. Gifts in memory of Linda will help to continue her profound legacy.
- Debbie Edgar, Director of Operations
- Sarnit Prasad, Sunday Coordinator
- Bailey Sagar, Sound Engineer
- John Buggy-Agresti, Visuals & Livestream Technician
Music Team
- Brenden Lowe, Music Director & Piano
- Natalie Hagwood, Vocals & Cello
- Hannah Jane Kile, Vocals & Guitar
- Ben Kopf, Bass
- Tim Stephenson, Drums & Vocals
- Omari Tau, Vocals
Special Guest Musicians
- Anthony Coleman II, Trumpet
- Joe Kye, Violin & Vocals
- Tim Metz, Drums
Worship Leadership
- Debbie Edgar, Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank, Rev. Mike Harrell, Rev. Kathy LaPoint-Collup, Sandra Lommasson, Bishop Sandy Olewine, Sarnit Prasad, Kara Tupy, Rev. Debbie Weatherspoon, & Cesca Wolos-Fonteno
Worship Art
- Erik Castellanos, Artist in Residence
- Joellen Pope, Flowers
- Jan Martinez
- Corey Strange
- Linda Dew-Hiersoux, Co-Pastor
- Matt Smith, Co-Pastor