Ministry Team
Linda Dew-Hiersoux
I have been inspired by artists and musicians who inspire me to follow Jesus as I wonder about creative ways to practice loving my neighbors. I live in Elk Grove with Mark and on any given day our house is full to the brim or almost quiet. One never knows.
Matthew Smith
I’m interested in how we form communities to love God and our neighbors. I’m frustrated by the way Christianity has come to equal fundamentalism in the eyes of so many in our world today. So, I’m searching for a different way to practice faith and follow Jesus.
Sarnit Prasad
Sarnit is our Sunday Morning Coordinator and Administrative Liaison at The Table. Please reach out to Sarnit at hospitality (at)
Andie Paschal
COMMUNITY GATHERER Andie is the Community Gatherer for Table Farm, hosting Community Volunteer Shifts and bringing together young people to practice sustainable agriculture and grow in community. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Sociology with an Emphasis in Peace, Justice, and Social Change. Andie has always been deeply fascinated by the interconnectedness of the natural world and the subtle lessons embedded within the landscape. Her hope is that through connecting with the land through gardening, each of…
Cesca Wolos-Fonteno
You may contact Cesca via email: cesca (at)
