Update on Pastor Linda’s Health

Update on Pastor Linda’s Health

January 27, 2023

Greetings, Table Community!

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be in touch with positive news about Pastor Linda’s journey through cancer treatment–and with a word about how she expects to move in worship with us over the coming weeks.  

Pastor Linda’s chemotherapy is going well.  Her medical team has helped turn down her body’s allergic reactions to the chemo drugs.  Indeed, if all continues to go well she may complete chemotherapy treatments by March 27.  Following that, she has let us know that she will begin a several month round of hormone therapy.  This will work via pills that can be taken in the comfort of home.  Pastor Linda is advised by her medical team that the hormone therapy—slower acting than chemotherapy—likely will be quite tolerable.

With this encouraging news in mind, Pastor Linda advises that she may feel up to preaching again during the season of Easter.  In the meantime, starting this Sunday, she plans to return to leading worship alongside Pastor Matt!

As Pastor Linda takes on an active role in worship again, she has a special request for us.  Let’s please be aware that her white cell count will be variable during her course of treatment, and that this will leave her quite vulnerable to cold and flu infections.  So, Pastor Linda asks that we please greet her with words instead of hugs or handshakes for now.  Y’all KNOW how tough an ask this is for her—she identifies as a touching person!  But it’s for the best—so let’s please share our words of encouragement and care from a conversational distance, through cards and notes, or through the Linda Dew-Hiersoux CaringBridge site.  Although Pastor Linda won’t be wearing a mask while at the mic on Sunday, please be aware that she will be masked in crowded settings—again, to keep her body in the best possible shape to keep up the fight against cancer.

Deeply thankful to be in this with you all,

Bob LZ

Table Administrative Board—Personnel/Employee Relations

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