For Most This Amazing Day

Rev. Brian McLaren writes about “Radical Resilience” in this way, “Each of those words is important. The word “radical” means going to the root, going to the depths, going beneath the surface…. So, radical resilience means radical, deep attention to the deepest roots of resilience. “Resilience” is the capacity to withstand and recover from hardship or difficulty. It has to do with the ability to spring back into shape after you’ve been beaten down or knocked over or bent over.” Our hope in this series, which we’re calling Resilience, is to help our community of faith take wise action and imagine a better future amid the many challenges facing our world. We hope to explore radical resilience so that we can be thermostats rather than thermometers in our community — setting the temperature, setting examples of contemplative depth and wisdom, love and peace, rather than just sinking into fury, fear, denial and despair. Worship this Sunday is rooted in Psalm 147 and invites reflection on how we share our gratitude and praise for God. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

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