'dark' Tagged Posts
Dark and Light.
It is hard to find any “good news” this week. Followers of Jesus may recognize this phrase “good news” from the beginning of the Gospel of Mark: “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ…” (Mark 1.1.). “To help his readers understand their troubled situation, Mark proclaims Jesus. But to understand Jesus, he looks back to the Scriptures of Israel. Indeed, we cannot understand Christian faith adequately without understanding the Jewish roots of that faith. Whatever we think God…
Toward Sunday
This week we begin the season of Advent. Advent is the time in which the church waits for the mystery of Christmas to be born. Sometimes we talk about this as waiting for “the light to illumine the dark.” As I write this the light is fading in the sky outside of the church and the clouds are illumined from beneath by the setting sun. Darkness is coming soon. Darkness is often feared rather than welcomed. But what if there…