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“In its community form, Sabbath is not only about rest but also about resistance. Each time it appears in Torah, the commandment limits the exploitation of others as well as the exhaustion of the self. When you stop working, so do your children, your animals and your employees, even if they do not believe in your God. You believe in your God, so they get the day off. By interrupting our economically sanctioned social order every week, Sabbath suspends our…

Ceasing from work

Read Exodus 20.1-8 . As we continue our series on Sabbath as Resistance, take time today to reflect upon these questions based on Receiving The Day by Dorothy Bass: How might ceasing from work one day a week reshape your work and attitudes on the other six? What is the advantage of a pattern of Sabbath time, as opposed to snatching odd moments or hours of Sabbath time?  In what ways can members of a worshiping community help one another…

Toward Sunday

We continue our three-week worship series this week on Summer Sabbath.   We hope this worship series will help us to reclaim the significance of Sabbath.  Each week will focus upon a particular expression of Sabbath from scripture.  Our worship series is based on a book called Sabbath as Resistance:  Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW  by Walter Brueggemann who is a professor emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. Outline of Sabbath as Resistance August 17 Genesis…

Money and rest

“Where there is money to be made, there is no rest for the land, nor for those who live in it.” ~Barbara Brown Taylor

Rough ride

“In his book Jewish Renewal, Rabbi Michael Lerner says that anyone engaging the practice of Shabbat can expect a rough ride for a couple of years at least. This is because Sabbath involves pleasure, rest, freedom and slowness, none of which comes naturally to North Americans. Most of us are so sold on speed, so invested in productivity, so convinced that multitasking is the way of life that stopping for one whole day can feel at first like a kind…

Toward Sunday

We begin a three-week worship series this week on Sabbath as Resistance.   We hope this worship series will help us to reclaim the significance of Sabbath.  Each week will focus upon a particular expression of Sabbath from scripture.  Our worship series is based on a book called Sabbath as Resistance:  Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW  by Walter Brueggemann who is a professor emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary.   Outline of Sabbath as Resistance August…
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