'witness' Tagged Posts (Page 2)


This week we consider the words we might use to express our faith.  We appreciated this video featured on RADIOLAB and thought you might enjoy 3 minutes of contemplation on “Words”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0HfwkArpvU

Talking about faith.

“A common misunderstanding is to think that talking about faith means getting our belief system all worked out in advance before we open our mouths.  When we speak about our faith, we intuitively think that what we are doing is finding the language to say what we think we already believe.  That is, we get our beliefs formulated in our minds and hearts , and then we search for just the right words to capture what is already fixed and…

Toward Sunday

We begin a new four-week worship series this week called Talking Ourselves into Being Christian.  We hope this worship series will help us to talk about following Jesus in our everyday lives.  Our worship series is based on a book called Testimony: Talking Ourselves into Being Christian by Thomas G. Long, a professor of theology and preaching at Candler School of Theology. Outline of Talking Ourselves into Being Christian July 20: Overview.  Living and Talking about Faith. Psalm 139.1-12,23-24 July 27: This is the Day: Waking Up to the Joy God…
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