'women' Tagged Posts


What do you think Dustin Hoffman means when he says he has been “brainwashed”?

Umulga. The Well.

Umulga, a Korean word, means “the well”- a place where the essential can be found. The UmulgaSHe-Space was an inclusive space for women and men (She and He) to exchange, rest, pray and reflect either individually or in groups on issues related to gender justice at The World Council of Churches 10th assembly gathering November 2013. The space was designed in the style of Korean hospitality and reflected the various places that are part of the lives of women and men…

Thistle Farms

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/64927155] Thistle Farms is a social enterprise of women who have survived lives of prostitution, trafficking, addiction, and life on the streets. By hand the women create natural body care products.  At Thistle Farms the belief is that love is stronger than all the forces that drive women to the streets.  Learn more about Thistle Farms . How might your choices this week reflect your commitment to follow Jesus?  How might the purchase of products produced by labors of love…
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