Access our digital 2020 Advent Devotional Guide here.
November 29: The First Sunday in Advent
those who dream…keep awake (hope)
Mark 13.24-37 | Isaiah 64.1-9 | Psalm 80.1-7, 17-19
Those who dream do not fall asleep to the realities of the world. God prompts us to pay attention to where God’s dreams for change and new life are emerging. In Advent, we remember that God’s ultimate dream is to be intimately connected to us—to come down and dwell among us. As we keep awake, we join Isaiah and the psalmist in pleading for restoration and for God to draw near.
December 6: The Second Sunday in Advent
those who dream… prepare the way (peace)
Mark 1:1-8 | Isaiah 40:1-11 | Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
John the Baptist calls the crowds into the journey of repentance and transformation. Similarly, we are called to prepare the way for God’s message of love and liberation to be shouted, heard, and received. Those who dream make way for righteousness and peace to kiss, for faithfulness to spring up from the ground (Ps. 85:10-11).
December 13: The Third Sunday in Advent
those who dream… sow joy (joy)
Luke 1:46-55 | Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 | Psalm 126
Ultimately, dreams sow joy, even if that joy doesn’t immediately spring forth. Sowing seeds into the soil always feels risky and feeble—how can something so small become something so beautiful, so big, and so nourishing? Like Mary, we are called to tend and nurture the dreams God has woven into us.
December 20: The Fourth Sunday in Advent
those who dream… are not alone (love)
Luke 1:26-45 | 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 | Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26
This week, we recognize what preceded Mary’s song of praise: news that was disorienting and bewildering, possibly threatening her life. Together, Mary and Elizabeth find courage and comfort in spite of their unusual circumstances. We, too, are called to carry, support, and encourage one another’s dreams.
December 24: 5pm (PT) Online Christmas Eve
this night, we are those who dream
Luke 2:1-20 | Isaiah 9:2-7
The Christmas story reminds us that we are all dreamers. Like those gathered around the manger, we come to this night each year with awe, wonder, and holy imagination for what is possible. Like Mary, we treasure God’s dream in our hearts and commit to keeping it alive. Like the holy family, we believe and trust in a God who comes to us in the vulnerability of a child.
This worship series is based on the Those Who Dream by A Sanctified Art.