Past Events (Page 11)

Online Growing in Faith July 7 – August 11

This six-week series is typically offered in-person at The Table, but we’ll utilize Zoom to gather online during this time of physical distancing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table.  Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith. We will mail hard copies of the book to participants. Please read chapter 1…


Our COVID-19 Response Team will be hosting two online conversations via Zoom over the coming weeks. Please join us via Zoom for one of these conversations: 10:45am – 11:45am on Sunday, July 12 7:00 – 8:00pm on Wednesday, July 15 Here’s a link to the COVID-19 Convos (Meeting ID: 977 8514 0635 and Password: Table).  Ashley, Britany and Derek will share more about the protocols we are developing to ensure we return safely to our campus in the future as we consult with…


Our COVID-19 Response Team will be hosting two online conversations via Zoom over the coming weeks. Please join us via Zoom for one of these conversations: 10:45am – 11:45am on Sunday, July 12 7:00 – 8:00pm on Wednesday, July 15 Here’s a link to the COVID-19 Convos (Meeting ID: 977 8514 0635 and Password: Table).  Ashley, Britany and Derek will share more about the protocols we are developing to ensure we return safely to our campus in the future as we consult with…

Online Growing in Faith May 26 – June 30

This six-week series is typically offered in-person at The Table, but we’ll utilize Zoom to gather online during this time of physical distancing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table.  Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith. We will mail hard copies of the book to participants. Please read chapter 1…

Growing in Faith for Pastors in Pandemic

May 26 – June 30 Tuesdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm (Pacific Standard Time) The wilderness of pandemic is forcing local churches and new church starts to re-think our ministries. We’re shifting in-person gatherings online and wondering about how communities of faith might weave online & in-person experiences in a hybrid future. Clear faith formation processes will be critical to navigating the uncertainties of this time. Growing in Faith is a six-week series designed to welcome newcomers into our faith formation…

Online Growing in Faith April 19 – May 24

April 19 – May 24 (Sundays from 4:00pm – 5:30pm Pacific Standard Time) This six-week series is typically offered in-person at The Table, but we’ll utilize Zoom to gather online during this time of physical distancing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table.  Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith.…

Online Growing in Faith March 31-May 5

March 31 – May 5 (Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm Pacific Standard Time) This six-week series is typically offered in-person at The Table, but we’ll utilize Zoom to gather online during this time of physical distancing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table.  Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith.…

Reading the Bible Amidst Pandemic

We’re thrilled to have Rev. Dr. Safwat Marzouk leading this three-week series on reading scripture in a time of pandemic. We’ll gather from 2:00-3:00pm (Pacific Standard Time) on Sundays. Join us April 19, April 26, and May 3. Safwat grew up where interfaith dialogue among Christians, Jews and Muslims influences daily life. As a Christian in Egypt, he focused on studying the Old Testament to better understand God’s vision of shalom. An ordained member of The Synod of the Nile…

6:30am Online Easter Sunrise Worship

6:30am EASTER SUNRISE LINK: We have gathered for many years at sunrise in the Rose Garden of McKinley Park to celebrate Easter sunrise. In order to help flatten the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will meet online this year for a live Easter sunrise worship experience with The Table. Join us at 6:30am for a special worship gathering from our backyards to your home!

Growing in Faith March 1 – April 5

March 1 – April 5 (Sundays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm) This six-week series is led by our Co-Pastors and designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. We will begin each Sunday evening together with a simple meal in the Fireside Room. Please let us know if you have any specific dietary needs. Childcare is available if needed. Please pickup a copy of the book, Growing in Faith, on Sunday in worship from our Next…

R & R: Reaction Redux

When the world around us can often feel polarizing, or our own lives throw us into reaction mode as if in constant crisis, it is tempting to shut out anything or anyone that calls us to respond with respect and intention. What if we could, in the presence of a small group of others, talk about how one moves through what we receive as oppositional to respectful response?  Joan Eddy and Jim Zazzera will be leading Sunday Table talk around…

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 7:00 am on Wednesday, February 26 45-minute morning worship service with communion, ashes, music, prayer & reflection
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