Past Events (Page 13)

Border Trip Orientation

12:15 – 1:00pm in Fireside RoomSundays in November Natalie Ladd-Fuller & Mallory Naake are planning to lead an intergenerational trip to the US/Mexico border the week of June 22. They will host orientations in the Fireside Room each Sunday after our 11am worship in November to share more about their hopes for the trip. If you’re interested in learning more and wondering about being part of the trip, please plan to attend an orientation from 12:15-1:00pm.

Annual Church Conference

3:00pm on Sunday, November 17  Fireside Room at The Table  Our Annual Church Conference is a yearly business meeting in which we elect our Administrative Board for the coming years and formally approve the pastor compensation packages for our Co-Pastors. The Annual Church Conference is open to all and those making Deep Commitments are eligible to vote.

Annual Charge Conference

Annual formal business meeting of the church. Join us for an hour in the Fireside Room as we celebrate God’s movement in our midst throughout 2019 and reflect upon the vision for our church community in 2020.

Nov 17 Youth Dream session

Sunday, November 17After the 11am Worship GatheringJunior & Senior High Youth @ The Upper Room (2nd floor of The Table) Come enjoy some delicious food and dream about what type of space you hope to create at The Table. Cookie tasters needed!  RSVP to Chloe via email at chloe (at) Let her know if you love to cook and want to bring something to share.

Growing in Faith Retreat Nov 8-9

Growing in Faith Retreat November 8-9 (Friday 6:00pm – 8:30pm & Saturday 9:00am – 3:30pm) We typically offer this series in a six-week format, but Pastor Matt will be leading this Friday evening / Saturday retreat on November 8-9.  This retreat is designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note we’ll finish Friday evening around 8:30pm and continue again on Saturday morning at 9:00am.   Prior to the retreat, participants should plan to read…

Growing in Faith September 22 – October 27

September 22 – October 27 (Sundays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm) This six-week series will be led by Pastor Matt and designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. We will begin each Sunday evening together with a simple meal in the Fireside Room. Please let us know if you have any specific dietary needs. Childcare is available if needed. Please pickup a copy of the book Growing in Faith prior to our first gathering and…

September 26 Dinner Tables

All are invited to attend seasonal dinners in 2019 as a chance to share a meal and conversation with others from The Table.  The Dinner Table gatherings will be hosted in the homes of our community and provide an opportunity to meet new folks, share a meal and engage in meaningful conversation. Our goal is to mingle & encourage meeting new people as we build community together. We will organize folks to maximize new connections and preferences for meals.  We are…

Intercultural Church Workshop

Rev. Dr. Safwat Marzouk will lead a 90 minute workshop on what it means to be an intercultural church. This workshop is designed for our Administrative Board and Kitchen Table Leaders. A simple lunch will be provided. RSVP to Pastor Matt to help us plan for the meal. Safwat Marzouk’s newest book, Intercultural Church: A Biblical Vision for an Age of Migration, will be published on October 1, 2019. Dr. Marzouk offers a biblical vision for what it means to…

August 16-17 Growing in Faith Retreat

Growing in Faith Retreat August 16-17 (Friday 6:00pm – 8:30pm & Saturday 9:00am – 3:30pm) We typically offer this series in a six-week format, but our pastors will be leading this Friday evening / Saturday retreat on August 16 & 17.  This retreat is designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note we’ll finish Friday evening around 8:30pm and continue again on Saturday morning at 9:00am.   Prior to the retreat, participants should plan…

Block Party at The Table

Join us on the lawn for a Block Party at The Table. Paul will bring his smoker to share smoked meats. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We’ll have plates, utensils, tables, & chairs. We’d love for you to bring “easy-ups” for shade and games! All are welcome. Please invite friends, neighbors, colleagues, enemies, folks you just met…

July 19-20 Growing in Faith Retreat

Growing in Faith Retreat July 19 – 20 (Friday 6:00pm – 8:30pm & Saturday 9:00am – 3:30pm) We typically offer this series in a six-week format, but our pastors will be leading this Friday evening / Saturday retreat on July 19 & 20.  This retreat is designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note we’ll finish Friday evening around 8:30pm and continue again on Saturday morning at 9:00am.   Prior to the retreat,…

Summer Deep Cleaning

Our facility needs some TLC. Join us 9am – noon on Saturday, July 13. Learn more and sign-up here.
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