Sac Pride March
We’ll join other United Methodist churches from the Sacramento region for the annual Sacramento Pride March on Sunday, June 9. The march starts at 11am from Southside Park and ends at the Capitol Mall. Join us for worship at The Table at 9:30am and then carpool with others to Southside Park following worship.
Orientation on Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Orientation in Fireside Room at The Table 7pm Monday, June 3 Bread of Life will offer a 30-week course on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. The weekly gatherings will take place on Mondays beginning this fall and are designed for those feeling a desire to take a next step in rooting their lives in grace and deepening their love of God . If you would like to learn more about this 30-week course, please plan to attend an orientation…
Legislative Advocacy Training
3-5pm Thursday, May 16Legislative Training for Progressive People of Faith Attend a training to learn more about, and engage in, the legislative process in Sacramento. Why: We have learned that, on a number of issues, the only religious voice that is speaking up in the legislative process comes from the religious right. We seek to provide a progressive religious voice to support our legislature as they do their work for this season. How: becca Cramer-Mowder will give concrete ways to witness to…
9:30am & 11:00am Easter Sunday worship celebrations
We’ll gather in the Sanctuary (5265 H Street) at 9:30 am & 11:00 am on Easter morning. Our Easter worship gatherings will weave beautiful music, inspiring art, & a message of hope as we celebrate Easter together.
6:30am easter sunrise mckinley park rose garden
6:30 am Easter Sunrise Sunday, April 21 Mckinley Park Rose Garden (Corner of H & 33rd Streets)
holy friday
Prayer & Reflection. Music & Scripture. Silence & Message. Adult-Centered.
Maundy Thursday
Join us for wine, juice & homemade bread tasting as we remember Jesus’ last supper. We’ll gather off-site at 6:00pm on Thursday, April 18. We’ll have bread, wine, & juice together at Art Beast (2226 K Street) in Midtown. We’ll have our a-frame signs outside to help guide the way. Art Beast has been a place of restoration for children and families in Sacramento for many years. Jesus gathered for his final meal with his closest friends in an upper room and…
Growing in Faith March 10 – April 14
Growing in Faith Six Week Series March 10 – April 14 (Sundays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm) This six-week series is led by our pastors and designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. We will begin each Sunday evening together with a simple meal in the Fireside Room. Please let us know if you have any specific dietary needs. Childcare is available if needed. Please pickup a copy of the book Growing in Faith prior to our…
Financial Peace University
Financial Peace University (FPU) teaches faithful ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions, & interactive small groups, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get you from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Becca & Bamby Cramer-Mowder are graduates of FPU and will lead a nine-week FPU class at The Table beginning Sunday, February 3. The class…
Baptism Orientation for Teens & Adults
We’ll celebrate the baptism of both adults and children at the Easter Sunrise worship in McKinley Park on Sunday, April 21. Teens & Adults interested in learning more about baptism are encouraged to join our pastors for conversation in the Sanctuary after the 11am worship gathering on Sunday, March 24. We recognize people from our community of faith come from a variety of traditions and understandings regarding baptism. We celebrate baptism for people of all ages at The Table. Baptism…
Baptism Orientation for Children & Families
We’ll celebrate the baptism of both adults and children at the Easter Sunrise worship in McKinley Park on Sunday, April 21. Families interested in learning more about baptism are encouraged to join our pastors for conversation in the Sanctuary after the 11am worship gathering on Sunday, March 10. We recognize people from our community of faith come from a variety of traditions and understandings regarding baptism. We celebrate baptism for people of all ages at The Table. Baptism is a…
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday 7:00 am on Wednesday, March 6 45-minute worship service with communion, ashes, music, prayer & reflection