Past Events (Page 19)

Refugee Resettlement Work Party

Join us as we re-organize the basement and the stage in the Social Hall to prepare for receiving furniture & apartment supplies for a refugee family we’ll be welcoming this fall.

orientation for refugee resettlement

If you would like to help offer radical hospitality to a refugee family this fall, please join us after our 11 am worship for an orientation led by Christelle Picque on Sunday, August 14.

blueprint for discipleship

Grow in faith. Join us Sunday evenings, February 21 – March 30 for Blueprint for Discipleship.

Easter Sunrise

We’ll gather in the Rose Garden of McKinley Park at 6:30 am for Easter Sunrise.  Our Easter worship gathering will weave beautiful music and a message of hope as we celebrate Easter together.

holy friday

March 25: Holy Friday (7:00 pm in Sanctuary) Solemn remembering of Good Friday. Sanctuary of Central UMC 5265 H Street Sacramento, CA Holy Friday is a solemn remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus. We will gather to light candles, pray, reflect, sing, and remember as we hold the depths of the silence that fell on Jesus’ final day.

maundy thursday

March 24: Maundy Thursday (6:00 pm in Social Hall) Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday, the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus. The English word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, which means “commandment.” As recorded in John’s gospel, on his last night before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment…

ash wednesday

February 10: (Ash Wednesday) 7:00 am – a 45-minute worship service with communion, ashes, music, prayer & reflection

candlelight christmas eve

Candlelight Christmas Eve 5 pm Story, Carols, & Candles 11 pm Story, Carols, Candles, & Communion Celebrate the beauty and mystery of Christmas!


We will celebrate the Baptism of both adults & children in worship on Sunday, October 25.
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