11am New Year’s Day Worship
11am New Year’s Day Worship (Jan 1): Epiphany…WE keep seeking Matthew 2:1-12 | Matthew 2:13-23: The Magi were seekers. They sought wisdom, they sought the divine, they sought fortunes to tell the future. Their seeking leads them to Jesus, the newborn king of another culture and religion. And yet, their seeking is also what protects them from Herod’s deception and harm. After the Magi go home by another way, Joseph is visited again by an angel in his dream. This time, the angel brings…
Reaching in Love at SSIP (Grades 6-8, ages 12+)
Young people grades 6-8 (ages 12+) will reach in love at the South Sac Interfaith Partnership Food Closet by sorting and packaging food that will be shared with neighbors. Community Gatherer Andie Paschal will accompany youth. Guardians can bring youth to SSIP (5625 24th Street, 95822) at 8:30am and pick them up at 12pm. Please note, SSIP’s minimum volunteering age is 12. Thanks for reaching in love this season! Please register here. Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas…
4th – 6th Graders Christmas Reaching in Love with Table Bread
We will gather 4th – 6th graders in our newly renovated kitchen at The Table for a morning of baking together. The items we bake will be gifted to the students & staff at Mustard Seed School which is a program of Loaves & Fishes providing school opportunities for children ages 3-15 years-old who are currently experiencing homelessness. Please register here. Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas Our Christmas Offering during this worship series called From Generation to…
1st – 3rd Graders Christmas Reaching in Love with Table Bread
We will gather 1st – 3rd graders in our newly renovated kitchen at The Table for a morning of baking together. The items we bake will be gifted to the students & staff at Mustard Seed School which is a program of Loaves & Fishes providing school opportunities for children ages 3-15 years-old who are currently experiencing homelessness. Please register here. Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas Our Christmas Offering during this worship series called From Generation to…
11am Christmas Day Worship
11am Christmas Day (Dec 25): God Dwells with Us John 1:1-14 | Luke 2:15-21 “And the Word became flesh and lived among us…” (John 1:14a). Unlike the other gospels, John’s gospel offers us a cosmic glimpse of Christ’s birth. Christ’s beginning was with God, therefore, Christ has been with us since life began. On this Christmas Sunday, we celebrate the many ways God dwells with us from generation to generation, since the beginning of time. Like Mary pondering the angels’ message in her heart,…
Candlelight Christmas Eve
Candlelight christmas Eve 5pm & 11pm (Pacific time) Celebrate the beauty & hope of Christmas with Candlelight Christmas Eve at The Table. We will gather both online (thetable.live) and in person in the Sanctuary (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819). Here’s a link to online worship with The Table for Candlelight Christmas Eve. 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24: Story, Carols, & Candles 11:00pm on Saturday, December 24: Story, Carols, Candles, & Communion Luke 2:1-20: We tell this story every year. We…
Growing in Faith Retreat December 9 – 10
Growing in Faith Retreat (in person) December 9 – 10 (Friday 6:00pm – 8:30pm & Saturday 9:00am – 3:30pm) We typically offer this series in a six-week format, but our pastors will be leading this Friday evening / Saturday retreat on December 9 – 10. This retreat is designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note we’ll finish Friday evening around 8:30pm and continue again on Saturday morning at 9:00am. Please note: we will meet…
Charge Conference 2022
We gathered in person in the Fireside Room for our Charge Conference at 3:30pm on Saturday, December 3. The charge conference is an annual meeting required for all United Methodist Churches. We will look back in celebration on our ministries in 2022 and also look ahead to our vision for 2023. Agenda Welcome & Introductions – Ansel Lundberg Opening Prayer – District Superintendent Shinya Goto Looking Back on 2022 & Looking Ahead to 2023 — Derek Kirk Amendment to Articles of Incorporation…
Growing in Faith November 1 – December 6
GRowing in faith November 1 – December 6 (in person) Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note: we will meet in-person at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento CA 95819). Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith. Please plan to pickup a copy of the Growing in Faith book at the Next Steps table outside…
growing in faith september 13 – october 18
GRowing in faith september 13 – october 18 (in person) Our Co-Pastors will lead this six-week series designed for persons interested in learning more about growing in faith at The Table. Please note: we will meet in-person at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento CA 95819). Our six gatherings will be based on a book written by our Co-Pastors called Growing in Faith. Please plan to pickup a copy of the Growing in Faith book at the Next Steps table outside…
Evolving Faith 2022
Evolving Faith was originally created by Rachel Held Evans, Jeff Chu, Sarah Bessey and others to envision a community where the thirsty become water-bearers, the hungry become bread-makers, the wounded are our healers, the misfits become friends, and the wanderers find a home. Evolving Faith 2022 will be a live online gathering held Friday (October 14) and Saturday (October 15). The Table will be purchasing group tickets to the Evolving Faith 2022 conference. While you may register with our group and…
Baptism Orientation
We’ll celebrate the baptism of both adults and children in worship on Sunday, October 30. Families, teens & adults interested in learning more about baptism are encouraged to join our pastors for conversation in the Sanctuary after the 11am worship gathering on Sunday, October 2. Please email Pastor Linda (linda at thetableumc.org) with questions. We recognize people from our community of faith come from a variety of traditions and understandings regarding baptism. We celebrate baptism for people of all ages at The…