Go Forth for God

Our music in worship this series has mostly come from contemporary Reggae, folks, & hip hop musicians.  Our denomination’s hymnal includes a song called Go Forth for God written by John R. Peacey in 1975.  Here are the words to the second verse:

Go forth for God, go to the world in love;

strengthen the faint, give courage to the weak;

help the afflicted; richly from above

God’s love supplies the grace and power we seek.

Go forth for God, go to the world in love.

(from United Methodist Hymnal #670)

The call to be witnesses to the ends of the earth” might feel overwhelming to some in our community.  This hymn reminds us that God’s love empowers our witnessing and our reaching in love.  When have you felt God’s love in a powerful way?  How will the power of God’s love and grace sustain you this day?  Reflect for a moment on one concrete way that you will “go to the world in love” today.  Imagine yourself going to the world in love today.  And go.


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