Toward Sunday

Our worship this Sunday will be rooted in Romans 12.1-8.  I
Mary Hinkle Shore writes,
Imagine working with someone to move one of those large racks of folding chairs that populate church basements and school gymnasiums. It takes a theory (“I think this will work if you’re on one side and I’m on the other”); you have to share at least elements of a vision, to be of “one mind” on the nature of the task and its execution.

Even so, as vital as it is, imagination does not move the chairs. Action — walking, pushing, pulling, steadying — is required, too, as are mid-course communication and correction. The whole thing is common work in which people with different functions share, if only for a few moments, the same mind.

Such shared imagination-in-action does not ignore the difficulties of living with others. Chairs fall off of racks and tempers flare. Paul knows the difficulties of living in community, and yet he refuses to try to solve them by ranking some in the church basement as more important than others, or by imagining that “gifted” in such a context means the same thing for everyone. In fact, it does not; by design, the body includes members with different gifts.

Think of a time when you have set out to accomplish something on your own and realized in the process that you need the help or support of others?   What was that like for you?
Paul believes the body of Christ includes members with different gifts, each working together in effort to move toward God’s hope for the world.  For some people in our day it is challenging to identify our own gifts.  Perhaps we fear being seen as arrogant.  Perhaps we fear being honest and vulnerable about our own gifts and graces.  Yet, God bestows each of us with unique gifts and call us to share those in and through community.  
What gifts has God given to you?  Do you possess gifts that, for whatever reason, you have you been holding back from sharing with this community?  How might you begin to share these gifts? 


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