Toward Sunday.

Save all you can.

For the early church depicted in the book of Acts, the resurrection of Christ is less a creedal article of individual faith and hope than a creative force of community formation and fellowship.  This week we again hear Acts 4.32.-35 along with this phrase from a sermon called “The Use of Money” by John Wesley:  “having, first, gained all you can, and secondly saved all you can, then give all you can.”  We’ll ask:  How did Christ’s resurrection motivate such a unified, generous community in Acts? Or, conversely, how did the practice of communal goods inform the early church’s understanding of the living Christ?  What might the Acts community have to teach us today about faith & finances?

We know that we have complicated relationships to money.  It’s hard for most folks to talk about money but often times we have many questions circling in our minds.  How is this for you?  As we move into our second week of this series on “Faith & $”, our focus will be on Save.  We invite you to consider these questions as you go about your daily routines:

What is something you have chosen to acquire that has required you to save? When in your life have you saved money for a “special treat?”  What was it like?  What was difficult about this?  What was easy about this?  When you experienced the end result, was it worth it?  Did the experience inspire you to want to do this again?

How do you save?  What is your method for saving?  What do you save for?

Do you save on behalf of something or someone else?  How is that for you?


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