The Gospel of John is written in a different fashion than the others. Below is a quote from Frederick Buechner (Peculiar Treasures, a bibilical who’s who. p83) to ponder as you go through your day and in preparation for our new worship series on John.
“Jesus, for John, is the Jesus he knew in his own heart and the one he believed everybody else could know too it they only kept their hearts open. He is Jesus as the Word that breaks the heart and sets the feet to dancing and stirs tigers in the blood. He is the Jesus John loved not just because he’d healed the sick and fed the hungry but because he’d saved the world. Jesus as the mot juste of God.” (mot juste = most appropriate word)
What are some words you might use for Jesus? What names? What feelings? What actions? Take some time today to consider this and jot a few down as you go. Look back over them tonight before you sleep and see if there is a “mot juste” for Jesus in your own life.