Outline of Worship Series.
November 30, 2014 Mark 13.24-37
December 7, 2014 Mark 1.1-8
December 14, 2014 John 1,6-8, 19-28
December 21, 2014 Luke 1.26-38
We turn this week from John the baptizer in John’s Gospel to Mary in the Gospel of Luke. In 12 verses, Mary is described as favored, perplexed, thoughtful, and afraid. She questions, believes, and submits to her vocation. Given this array of emotions it is not a surprise that Mary is depicted in many ways throughout the ages.
Read Luke 1.26-38.
What picture(s) do you hold of Mary in your own imagination?
What do you imagine Mary’s picture of herself was when she said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord”?
What might you imagine was going on for her; a pregnant, unwed, teenage girl who received a message from God.
Think back to your childhood. Where did you imagine yourself being at the age you are now?
How does this align or not align with where you are today? What message is God sharing with you at this time in your life?