Toward Sunday

We continue our four-week series, What Keeps You Awake At Night?, this week with focus on Matthew 2.13-18.

Outline of the series

January 4    Matthew 2.1-12  Epiphany Sunday
January 11  Matthew 2.13-18
January 18  Matthew 2.19-23
January 25  Mark 1.14-20

Take time to read Matthew 2.13-18 aloud. This is one of the many violently troubling stories we encounter in Scripture.  Herod’s order to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and it’s vicinity who are two years old and under is unconscionable.  Yet, the reality of unconscionable violence is woven through human history and even our present lives.  Spend some time remembering your life at the age of two.  Who was watching over you in love? What dangers, if any, did you experience as a young child?

The Directors of the new preschool housed at our church, Artenia Beast Academy of Whimsey and Play, also founded Tubman House in 2003. Tubman House provides “18 months of housing and support so that Sacramento’s homeless, parenting youth and their children can get busy living rather than surviving.” It’s a prophetic program that helps teenagers and their children move from lives shrouded in fear to lives overflowing with love.  We will hear from some of the graduates of Tubman House in worship this Sunday.

When you think of Rachel weeping for her children in Ramah, what contemporary images or current-day people come to your mind?  Take time to record in your journal or in a note to yourself the people and places that you thought about.  As each person or place or image is named say aloud this prayer; “Lord in your Mercy, Hear my prayer.”   Try this exercise this week as you try to find rest at night.  When images or people come to your mind that you are worried about – turn them over to God with this prayer.

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