Toward Sunday

This is an exciting week in the life of our church. We’re thrilled to make room at The Table as we move to two worship gatherings this Sunday.  Please remind your Kitchen Table of the new times: 9:30 am and 11:00 am.  We’re grateful for the many people who are working diligently to expand our teams for Godly Play, Nursery, Counting, and Hospitality.  We look forward to taking this next step with you all!

We begin a new three-week worship series this Sunday called Practicing Generosity.  We hope this series will help us to explore how faith shapes hearts of gratitude & generosity.
Outline of Practicing Generosity

February 1 Psalm 104
February 8 1 Corinthians 9:23
February 15 Philippians 4.1-13
Think back over your life and consider how you have experienced both scarcity and abundance.

When has scarcity been most prevalent in your life?  When have you experienced abundance?
Read Psalm 104. This Psalm celebrates the beauty of God and God’s creation. It is itself an act of gratitude; remarkable in the breadth of creation it considers and names.  It is the longest creation Psalm and a reflection on the book of Genesis.  Walter Brueggemann, in The Liturgy of Abundance, The Myth of Scarcity, writes, “…the psalm makes clear that we don’t need to worry. God is utterly, utterly reliable. The fruitfulness of the world is guaranteed.”

Make a list of some of the things for which you are most grateful. 
Next take time to name something which causes you worry that you would like to place in God’s care.

We will be using this prayer by Mark Scandrette throughout our worship series and we invite you to pray this aloud as your daily prayer over the next 3 weeks.

Generous God,
I know that I am cared for by an abundant Provider. 
I choose to be grateful and trusting. 
I believe I have enough and that what I need will always be provided. 
I choose to be content and generous. 
I know that my choices matter for myself, for others and for future generations. 
Help me to live consciously and creatively, celebrating signs of your new creation that is present and coming.
Creator, who made me to seek the greater good of your kingdom, Guide me to use my time, talents and resources to pursue what matters most. Teach me to be free, to live without worry, fear or greed in the freedom of your abundance. Give me my daily bread, as I share with those in need. Thank you for the precious gift of life!  Amen.

(Adapted from Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most [p. 23-24] by Mark Scandrette, InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition)
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