Toward Sunday

We are in the third and final week of our worship series called Practicing Generosity.  We hope this series helps us to explore how faith shapes hearts of gratitude & generosity.
Please note that Ash Wednesday is quickly approaching. We will gather in the Sanctuary at 7:00 am on the MORNING of Ash Wednesday, February 18. Worship will include both imposition of ashes & communion. We anticipate the worship service will take about 45 minutes and we hope this will allow time for individuals to get to work and school as needed.
Outline of Practicing Generosity
February 1 Psalm 104
February 8 1 Corinthians 9:23
February 15 Philippians 4.10-20
We began our series with reflection on Psalm 104 and rooting our lives in abundance. Then, Linda shared Rambam’s Ladder. This week we turn to Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi as we consider our passions and how our generosity might align more fully with our passions and beliefs.
 “How have you been blessed? What are the gifts in your life for which you are grateful to God?”
Read Philippians 4.10-20. This is the closing section of Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi.  Paul is thanking the church for their support, for being in the Gospel together with him.  Paul begins, “I rejoice in the Lord greatly…”  Paul’s passion is sharing the Gospel.  Paul rejoices in this practice.  He’s grateful to the church in Philippi and he is inviting them to continue sharing in this passion with him.
What are you most passionate about? How do you invite others into this passion?  How might you invite others to join you in this work?
Here is the prayer we are sharing in worship and in our Kitchen Tables each week by Mark Scandrette.
Generous God,
I know that I am cared for by an abundant Provider. 
I choose to be grateful and trusting. 
I believe I have enough and that what I need will always be provided. 
I choose to be content and generous. 
I know that my choices matter for myself, for others and for future generations. 
Help me to live consciously and creatively, celebrating signs of your new creation that is present and coming.
Creator, who made me to seek the greater good of your kingdom, Guide me to use my time, talents and resources to pursue what matters most. Teach me to be free, to live without worry, fear or greed in the freedom of your abundance. Give me my daily bread, as I share with those in need. Thank you for the precious gift of life!  Amen.
(Adapted from Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most [p. 23-24] by Mark Scandrette, InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition)
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