'practicing generosity' Tagged Posts

Blessed is this life!

We have enjoyed singing “Blessed” in worship.  Here is an acoustic version of Brett Dennen singing his song from some years ago.  A simple and beautiful reminder for us today.  May we all live in generosity and love.  Happy Friday!  Happy Life!  

Toward Sunday

We are in the third and final week of our worship series called Practicing Generosity.  We hope this series helps us to explore how faith shapes hearts of gratitude & generosity. Please note that Ash Wednesday is quickly approaching. We will gather in the Sanctuary at 7:00 am on the MORNING of Ash Wednesday, February 18. Worship will include both imposition of ashes & communion. We anticipate the worship service will take about 45 minutes and we hope this will allow time…

Generosity or Scarcity?

“Do you want an economy of grace based on generosity, or an economy of scarcity based on acquisition?” –Wendell Berry, from an interview with Rose Marie Berger

Toward Sunday

We’re grateful for the many people who worked diligently to expand our teams for Godly Play, Nursery, Counting, and Hospitality this week!  We welcomed 234 people to worship at The Table on Sunday.  Thank you for your generous spirits and for all the ways you are making more room for folks to find a place at The Table. We are in the second week of our worship series called Practicing Generosity.  We hope this series will help us to explore how faith shapes…

“What’s Genosity?”

This post was written by a mom named Stacy May from Minneapolis, Mnn and shared on FB. How might you teach “genosity” this week? “We have been the recipients of incredible acts of generosity in the three years since my husband lost his full-time job. Friends bought and installed a toilet and sink in an old bathroom that we had never used so we would have two workable bathrooms. My sister asked for donations and raised more than $1,000 at…
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