Outline for On The Table
January 17: Fear (Romans 12.18-21)
January 24: Privilege (Mark 3.1-6)
January 31: $.77 (2 Corinthians 8.13-15)
February 7: Jesus Christ (Luke 5.1-11)
Read Mark 3.1-6
“Jesus calls the man out from the crowd and challenges his opponents to state the truth about the sabbath law. Silence in this instance is evidence of a plot. Jesus frames the question in a way that reveals the ulterior motives at work. “to do harm, to kill” (v 4). Jesus is putting privilege on The Table. Jesus asks the question and looks around with anger and grieves their hardness of heart. So anyone who truly cares about the law will agree with Jesus…opponents have cut themselves off from any possibility of accepting Jesus’ word” New Interpreter’s Bible, 559 (paraphrased).
Take time this week to reflect upon a time in your life when you benefited from a form of privilege (gender or gender identity, race, class, sexual orientation, ability, citizenship, etc.). Similarly, reflect upon a time when you experienced hardship from lack of privilege. If possible, commit to having a conversation with someone about your reflections.
This week pray for deeper understandings of differences and stronger commitments to justice.