Posts by tablemanna (Page 48)

Baptism as Process

Gayle Carlton Felton writes, Baptism, then is not so much event as it is process.  Like the Christian life for which it is both empowerment and metaphor, baptism is dynamic, not static; a journey, not a destination; a quest, not an acquisition.  Baptism is promise, the fulfilling of which requires a lifetime and beyond.  It is prolepsis-representing in the now that which will be accomplished in the future, but representing that anticipated fruition so powerfully as to make it real…

The Baptismal Covenant

Paragraph 23 of By Water and the Spirit: A United Methodist Understanding of Baptism states: In both the Old and New Testament, God enters into covenant relationship with God’s people. A covenant involves promises and responsibilities of both parties; it is instituted through a special ceremony and expressed by a distinguishing sign. By covenant God constituted a servant community of the people of Israel, promising to be their God and giving them the Law to make clear how they were to live. The circumcision of…

Toward Sunday

We begin a new three-week worship series called Ekklesia this Sunday at The Table.  Our worship will be rooted in Galatians 3.23-29.  Here is a link to the text. Do you remember your own Baptism?  Who was there?  What happened?  What, if any, is the significance of Baptism in your own life today? In turning to the text for this week, what does it mean to be “baptized into Christ”?  What is the significance to you?  In your understanding, what…

Prayers of the People

We begin a new worship series at The Table this week called Ekklesia.  We’ll reflect together on what it means to be church, to be community.  We’ll begin with Baptism on June 5 and then explore confirmation on June 12.  Our final week, June 19, will focus on Ordination. As we move into further study of what it means to be ekklesia, for what do the people of God pray? For what do we give thanks? Who do we lift…

Active Listening

“My worry is that music, as an art form, is now so prevalent, we have forgotten how to listen actively.  The music in the liturgy can all to easily become part of that..tapestry of sound that our culture creates in the malls, elevator, dentist office, iPhone, etc…I suppose it’s also part of the push in postVatican 2-life toward full, active, and conscious participation-which most often gets interpreted as of necessity moving one’s mouth.  In reality, do we categorically comprehend music…

Music and Worship

Thomas H. Troeger writes:  “A worshipping congregation is a different context from a secular concert.  Just as changing the context in which we read the same words can lead us to see different meanings, so too hearing music as an act of prayer can bring out depths and possibilities that we miss when we listen to it purely as concert music” (Wonder Reborn). In what settings do you most often experience music? What might it be like for you to…

Jazz and Faith

Cornel West writes, Jazz is not just a music but “a mode of being in the world,”  It is “an improvisational mode,”suspicious of “either/or” viewpoints, dogmatic pronouncements, or supremacist ideologies. . . . The interplay of individuality and unity is not one of uniformity and unanimity imposed from above but rather of conflict among diverse groupings that reach a dynamic consensus subject to questioning and criticism. As with a soloist with a jazz band, individuality is promoted in order to…

Playing Together

Author and musician Tom Piazza writes in The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz: In a jazz group, as in any community, certain roles need to be filled. Someone has to play the melody, someone has to keep time, someone has to suggest the harmonic context. In jazz, each instrumentalist has to understand his or her role in the group well enough so that he or she can improvise on it and not just follow directions. Playing in a jazz group…

Toward Sunday

We’ll be led in worship this Sunday by The Harley White Jr. Orchestra.  Join us at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary for Jazz Jubilee Worship at The Table. We’ll be rooting worship in the sounds of jazz and reading Psalm 66.8-20.  Here is a link to the full text. The Psalmist begins with an invitation to praise God.  What does praising God look like in your life?  What role, if any, does music play for you in offering praise? The…

Called and Empowered

Below is an interview with Alexie Torres-Fleming in which she briefly tells her call story and outlines how her community began to reclaim their own neighborhood in the South Bronx. Where might God be calling you?  How will you take a next step in moving toward that calling? [youtube=]

Hidden True Lives

“Ask Me” by William Stafford Some time when the river is ice ask me mistakes I have made.  Ask me whether what I have done is my life.  Others have come in their slow way into my thought, and some have tried to help or to hurt;  ask me what difference their strongest love or hate has made. I will listen to what you say. You and I can turn and look at the silent river and wait.  We know the…

Living into Our Callings

Marilyn was a speaker to Brian Mahan’s class.  As a result of an epiphany of recruitment in her life she had served in Sri Llanka with the Peace Brigades but was now back teaching and writing.  Mahan writes, An epiphany of recruitment is not an end in itself, it is an invitation to a different kind of life.  It’s no use trying to extend the moment, or to recreate it.  Nor need we flatten it out into some banal and…
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