Posts by tablemanna (Page 5)

Umulga. The Well.

Umulga, a Korean word, means “the well”- a place where the essential can be found. The UmulgaSHe-Space was an inclusive space for women and men (She and He) to exchange, rest, pray and reflect either individually or in groups on issues related to gender justice at The World Council of Churches 10th assembly gathering November 2013. The space was designed in the style of Korean hospitality and reflected the various places that are part of the lives of women and men…

Manhood. One view.

As you leave the blurred wood You entered while still a boy, And light clarifies around Your emerging, manly form, May you discover gradually A natural confidence in your body. May your new strength be graceful As you learn to carry yourself With a dignity that is sure, Bringing your gestures and expression Into an easy harmony and rhythm. May you never feel the need To be coarse, or force yourself; Rather, may you receive your manhood With grace and…


That man over there say a woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helped me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me a best place…. And ain’t I a woman? Look at me Look at my arm! I have plowed and planted and gathered into barns and no man could head me… And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as…

Toward Sunday

  We continue our worship series, Don’t Talk About That at The Table; with reflection this coming week on gender.   Outline  January 12: United Methodist Social Principles (Acts 10.34-43) January 19: Race (Matthew 5.38-48) January 26: Immigration (1 Corinthians 1.10-18) February 2: Abortion (Micah 6.1-8) February 9: Gender (Ephesians 5.22-24 & Galatians 3.28) February 16: Sexuality (Romans 1.26-27 & Ruth 1.16-17) February 23: Prisons (Hebrews 13.3) This Sunday will invite deeper reflection on gender and faith.  The United Methodist Social Principles includes this statement, ¶ 161.E Women and…

The Mis-illustration of Abortion

  Being aware of the ways in which we are manipulated by media images is always important.  It is especially mis-leading to speak about Abortion and show a photo of an obviously late term pregnancy since the majority of abortions in the United States occur within the first trimester.  Take time to read this piece from The Society Pages, an online magazine that examines culture and society. Mis-Illustrating Abortion

Justice, love and walking humbly with God

First, “do justice.” This word is always one found in a court of law, but out of the mouth of God justice is always dictated by the concerns of those to whom justice is denied. Israel’s evil actions against house and householder are the very essence of injustice. Such evil actions must stop. Second, “love hesed.” That Hebrew word is slippery to translate, but beyond all it appears to mean the unbreakable connection that YHWH has with the people. And because…

Prayer of preparation

Here is a prayer to help prepare yourself to listen to one another this week. The Holy One is the Holy Many; all things are in God, who is greater. What you find of God always hides what you have yet to see and what you can never know. God is not individual, but community. God is love, which is relationship; God is the Loving and the Beloved. God is both Father and Son, this and also not this; and…

Toward Sunday

We continue our worship series this Sunday called Don’t Talk About That at The Table; inviting reflection & conversation on many of the topics we “aren’t” supposed to talk about in church.  This week we will consider Abortion. Outline  January 12: United Methodist Social Principles (Acts 10.34-43) January 19: Race (Matthew 5.38-48) January 26: Immigration (1 Corinthians 1.10-18) February 2: Abortion (Micah 6.1-8) February 9: Gender (Ephesians 5.22-24 & Galatians 3.28) February 16: Sexuality (Romans 1.26-27 & Ruth 1.16-17) February 23: Prisons (Hebrews 13.3) Take time today to…

Immigration and Hospitality

  In Matthew 10.40-42 we read about the importance of hospitality among the faithful. It took courage and commitment for the persecuted Christian community of the First Century to offer hospitality to prophets and preachers, so Matthew reminds his readers that they are ministering to Jesus himself in welcoming his disciples and brothers and sisters in the faith who might come from unknown places….. The cup of water that Matthew asks us to offer is a dangerous thing. It assumes…


“Never again,” we cry. We wish. We remember the six million, we think the Nazis were cruel and crazy, we think all that was so strange and faraway. We look at the past, we look far off, we look away. That’s all it takes for it to happen again. We think “them,” not “us” not “my people.” We never think.  “I’m part of that.” You see, it happens all the time. Jews, Gays, immigrants, Palestinians, Indians, prisoners, the infirm, the…


  Ched Myers writes, “The political winds of imperial conquest and settlement, and the global economic currents of boom and bust, push and pull people like great tides. They have shaped and reshaped the shorelines of countries and cultures since the first soldiers of fortune landed lost on the beaches of Great Turtle Island. To blame the immigrant for the tides is like blaming a fallen apple for gravity. Who is legal, who is an immigrant, and even who is…

Toward Sunday

We continue our worship series this Sunday called Don’t Talk About That at The Table; inviting reflection & conversation on many of the topics we “aren’t” supposed to talk about in church.  This week we will consider Immigration.  We hope that this worship series will create safe environments for challenging conversations. Outline  January 12: United Methodist Social Principles (Acts 10.34-43) January 19: Race (Matthew 5.38-48) January 26: Immigration (1 Corinthians 1.10-18) February 2: Abortion (Micah 6.1-8) February 9: Gender (Ephesians 5.22-24 & Galatians 3.28) February 16: Sexuality…
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